optometry services in Irving, TX
We truly believe in comprehensive eye examinations so that you can see as clearly as possible. Once you have to get glasses or contacts, it is even more important to watch the health of your eyes. You also need routine checks to ensure your prescription has not changed.

Cataracts in Irving, TX


Cataracts cause a clouding of the lens in the eye, making your vision appear to be foggy. Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over 40 and are the leading cause of blindness in the world.

Your eyes are meant to naturally adjust to normal light changes, adjust focus, and allow us to see both near and far. Your lens is primarily made up of water and proteins. The proper arrangement of these proteins is what contributes to normal vision. Some of these proteins clump together forming a clouding of the lens.

During the initial stages, cataracts start small and have little to no effect on your vision. As the cataract progresses, the lens becomes more opaque and objects appear blurry, hazy or faded in color. During your appointment, we will discuss the various treatment options available.

Learn More About How Cataract Surgery Works

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Diabetic Eye Care in Irving, TX

Diabetic Eye Care

While it’s true that the primary symptom of diabetes is high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), it can lead to many other problems throughout the body, including wreaking havoc on your eyes. Some of the most common eye conditions caused by hyperglycemia are cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, which occurs when the tiny blood vessels in your eyes become damaged by the high blood sugar levels over time.

If diabetes is well-managed, these secondary conditions can often be avoided altogether. Below are some helpful tips to help care for your eyes when you have diabetes:

  • Keep blood sugar under control by maintaining a healthy diet low in sugar and refined carbohydrates and high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein
  • Keep cholesterol in check by eating a heart-healthy diet low in saturated fats
  • See your ophthalmologist at least once each year so that any developing eye conditions can be caught early and treated
  • Have your A1c checked every few months, if possible, and try to keep it at or below 7%
  • High blood pressure (hypertension) is also prevalent amongst those with diabetes and should be kept below 130/80 to prevent additional problems with your vision caused by damaged blood vessels

It is important to be aware of any changes to your vision. Contact your ophthalmologist right away if you notice any of the following:

  • Blurry vision
  • Flashes of light
  • Black spots or “floaters”
  • Loss of sight in one or both eyes

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Dry Eye

Kuriachan Eye Institute is proud to offer dry eye treatment for our patients. Ocular Surface Disease, also known as dry eye, can occur from certain medications, naturally by aging, or as a symptom arising from systemic diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, or Lupus. If you have a minor case of dry eye, you may be experiencing irritation, excessive tearing, fluctuating vision, and/or a burning sensation in your eyes. Excessive dry eyes, or dry eye symptoms that go untreated, have the potential to damage eye tissue, scar your corneas, and impair your vision.

Treatment options vary depending on the severity. While dry eyes cannot be cured, there are various ways to soften or lessen your symptoms. First are environmental changes you can do to protect your eyes:

  1. Limit screen time or change your screen time habits. Changing your screen time habits include limiting the screen's brightness as much as tolerable and every 20 minutes try to look at something far away and blink a few times before looking back at the screen.
  2. Try to prevent any direct air from hitting your eyes like from a fan or AC vent.
  3. If your eyes feel dry in the morning, consider a humidifier while you sleep to moisten the air. Keep in mind though that a humidifier can make allergies worse.

Second, after examining your eyes, Dr. Kuriachan and you will determine the best course of treatment. Remember, Dry Eyes is a chronic long term problem so it will take time to find the right combination of treatments to control your symptoms adequately. Some of these may include:

  1. Artificial tears are usually needed at the start of treatment.
  2. Eyelid care may be discussed as your eyelids are important in moisturizing your eyes.
  3. Small doses of steroid drops may be needed.
  4. Prescription Dry Eye medications may be used.
  5. This drop can be purchased directly from our office or from our online store (Buy Regener-Eyes). These drops can only be purchased online if they were recommended by an eyecare professional.
  6. Autologous Serum Drops - Dr. Kuriachan may send you to a lab where your blood will be drawn and the serum from your blood will be used to make tear drops that you will use. This is usually for moderate to severe dry eyes.
  7. If needed, procedures can be performed such as tear plugs or amniotic membrane contact lenses. As you can see, we thankfully have several options to best fit your needs and get your eyes feeling comfortable again.

If you have any questions about dry eye or would like to be seen, please don’t hesitate to call us today at (469) 886-8888!

Nutrition and Dry Eyes

In our busy stressful lives, we forget the foundation to a healthy body which means healthy eyes: these include enough sleep, hydration, stress management, and a healthy diet with proper nutrition. Focusing on nutrition is always overlooked but unfortunately food quality is lower as industries try to improve taste, increase shelf life, and make it cheaper. Even if you are getting high quality foods, chances are it is not enough nutritionally to make your body and eyes as healthy as it could be.

This is why Dr. Kuriachan recommends having a high quality omega 3 supplement to improve not only your eyes but your heart and mind. Omega-3s are essential nutrients which means our body cannot make it on its own or store it in our body - we NEED to get it through our diet and chances are, no matter how healthy you think you are, you are not getting enough.

To illustrate this, The American Heart Association and the American Cardiology Association recommend 2-3 grams of omega-3s daily (EPA+DHA). To get this amount of Omega 3s from eating fish, you would have to consume the equivalent of 37 cans of tuna per week! Eating this much fish could result in an increased risk for mercury poisoning. Other fish that can be purchased in stores are mostly farm-raised which have little Omega-3s, or wild-caught, which are optimal but have an increased risk of being contaminated with harmful PCBs, dioxins, mercury, etc.

Dr. Kuriachan recommends taking supplements from PRN. Dr. Kuriachan takes this himself and supplements from PRN have been clinically proven to help improve their specific eye condition. If you have dry eyes, diabetic eye issues, macular degeneration or a family history of it, PRN supplements can provide a strong foundation to keep your eyes and heart healthy as possible.

Order PRN online

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This patient had an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Because his eyebrows were drooping and that can worsen after an eyelid procedure, we also stabilized his eyebrows to keep them in the proper position. He was very happy with the results.

Eyelid Issues

Your eyelids play an important role in protecting your eyes from the environment around you. If you have eyelid issues, your eyelids might obstruct your vision or expose your eye to abrasions. For compassionate care and the best eyelid correction, visit Vipin Kuriachan, MD at Kuriachan Eye Institute in Irving, Texas. Find out what the team can do for your eye health by booking a consultation over the phone or online.

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Glaucoma in Irving, TX


Glaucoma occurs from damage to the eye’s optic nerve and can often lead to loss of vision and blindness if not treated correctly. To detect glaucoma, Dr. Kuriachan will perform a complete eye exam and do glaucoma testing to determine if you have it, the severity of it, and what can be done to manage it to preserve your sight.

Early detection of glaucoma is crucial in preventing vision loss and blindness; the earlier the better. However, there is no official cure for glaucoma, but there are several treatment methods to control it and prevent worsening damage. Treatment for glaucoma will vary depending on the stage and severity for each individual patient.

Treatments can include but are not limited to:

  1. Various types of eye drops
  2. Laser Procedures done in the office
  3. Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Procedures done in the operating room

If you have a family history of glaucoma, have been told of high eye pressures in the past, or are over 65 years of age, you do need to be evaluated for glaucoma as those are all risk factors to get it.

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Macular Degeneration in Irving, TX

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is a deterioration of the central portion of the retina, the inside layer of the eye that records the images we see and sends them through the optic nerve from the eye to the brain for processing. The macula, or the center of the retina, is responsible for focusing central vision in the eye and controls our ability to see and process information.

Although macular degeneration can occur naturally through old age, living an unhealthy lifestyle increases your probability; smoking, being overweight, genetics, and exposure to blue light plays a crucial role in the likelihood of being diagnosed with this disease.

To detect whether or not you may be suffering from macular degeneration, we perform a variety of macular tests and will determine your prognosis during your appointment.

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Eye Trauma

Eye Trauma

There are times when you may need immediate care for your eyes. Any time that you experience trauma to your eyes, you need to be seen. If you get anything in your eye, especially chemicals and foreign objects, you should be seen immediately to limit the potential damage to the eye.

Every year over 2 million people sustain an eye injury of some sort. Ocular injuries or trauma is the second most common cause of visual impairments and refers to any wounds, contusions, burns, or foreign bodies causing harm to your eye.

Over 90% of ocular injuries can be prevented and occur in and around the home. You can avoid injury by using the appropriate protective eyewear while doing activities that put your eyes at risk and by following proper protocols for safety. Home repairs, gardening, house cleaning, cooking, and playing sports are all common situations that can put you at risk for major eye injuries.

Symptoms of ocular injuries will vary depending on the type of injury but may include eye pain, redness, or discomfort during eye movement.

Treatment for eye trauma also varies based on the severity and type of injury. It is best to see an ophthalmologist for an evaluation following any form of eye trauma. All chemical injuries or severe trauma due to impact require immediate medical attention. Minor injuries such as a black eye may be treated at home with a cold compress and rest but should still be examined by a professional.

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Scleral Lenses [dm-citystate]

Scleral Lenses

Do you find yourself struggling with your vision despite wearing traditional contact lenses or glasses? If so, you’ll be intrigued to learn about a revolutionary solution – scleral lenses. These lenses have been designed to offer unparalleled clarity and comfort, addressing a range of visual challenges that standard corrective methods may not adequately resolve. Dive into the world of scleral lenses and discover how they can potentially transform your vision.

FAQs: Scleral Lenses - A Clearer Path to Enhanced Vision and Comfort

Q1: What are Scleral Lenses?
Answer: Scleral lenses are specialized contact lenses that are uniquely designed to rest on the white part of your eye, known as the sclera. These lenses offer a host of benefits, including improved vision correction for refractive errors, relief from dry eye symptoms, stable vision during various activities, and effective management of conditions like keratoconus. Their larger design ensures not only clearer vision but also a personalized and comfortable fit.

Q2: How are Scleral Lenses Different from Contact Lenses?
Answer: Unlike traditional contact lenses that primarily sit on the cornea, scleral lenses vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera. This design allows for the creation of a tear-filled reservoir between the lens and the cornea, resulting in enhanced comfort and vision. Scleral lenses are especially beneficial for individuals with irregular corneas, dry eye syndrome, and those seeking improved vision stability during physical activities.

Q3: What are the Benefits of Scleral Lenses?
Answer: Scleral lenses offer a range of benefits that make them a compelling option for those seeking enhanced vision correction. These benefits include:

  • Sharper Vision: Scleral lenses provide sharper and more accurate vision, particularly for individuals with refractive errors like astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness.
  • Comfortable Fit: The design of scleral lenses ensures that they rest on the less sensitive sclera, minimizing discomfort and irritation often associated with traditional contact lenses.
  • Dry Eye Relief: Scleral lenses create a moisture-rich environment between the lens and the cornea, offering relief for individuals suffering from dry eye syndrome.
  • Stable Vision: These lenses remain stable on the eye, making them ideal for activities that require consistent and precise vision.
  • Customized Approach: Each pair of scleral lenses is custom-made to fit the unique shape of your eyes, ensuring optimal comfort and vision correction.
  • Management of Irregular Corneas: Scleral lenses are particularly effective in managing irregular corneas, providing a smooth optical surface and significantly improving vision for conditions like keratoconus.

Q4: What are the Downsides of Scleral Lenses?
Answer: While scleral lenses offer remarkable benefits, it’s important to consider potential downsides:

  • Learning Curve: Inserting and removing scleral lenses can be challenging initially, requiring practice and patience.
  • Maintenance: Scleral lenses need proper cleaning and care to ensure optimal performance, which might involve a more involved maintenance routine compared to standard contact lenses.
  • Cost Consideration: The cost of scleral lenses includes a fitting fee of $1900 and an additional $400 per lens. While the investment is worthwhile, it’s important to budget accordingly.

Q5: Does Insurance Cover Scleral Lenses?
Answer: Generally, insurance may not cover the upfront cost of scleral lenses. However, you may be able to seek reimbursement after the fitting process. It’s advisable to check with your insurance provider for specific details.

Q6: How Long Do Scleral Lenses Last?
Answer: With proper care and minimal changes to your eyes, scleral lenses can typically last between 1 to 2 years. Regular follow-up appointments will help ensure the longevity of your lenses and maintain your eye health.

Q7: How Many Visits Does the Fitting Process Require?
Answer: The fitting process usually involves between 3 to 4 visits. In cases of complex prescriptions or unique eye conditions, additional visits may be necessary to achieve the best fit and vision outcomes.

Q8: What Is the Hardest Part of the Scleral Lens Process?
Answer: One of the more challenging aspects can be learning how to properly insert and remove the lenses. Your eye care professional will provide guidance and support to help you master this skill.

Scleral lenses offer a groundbreaking solution for individuals seeking clearer vision and improved eye comfort. With benefits ranging from sharper vision and dry eye relief to stable vision during activities, these lenses address a variety of visual challenges. While there are considerations such as learning to use and maintain the lenses, the potential for enhanced quality of life through better vision is significant.

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Embark on your journey to clearer vision and heightened comfort by exploring the option of scleral lenses. Consult with our experienced team to determine if these lenses are the right choice for you. Experience the transformation in visual clarity and comfort that scleral lenses can bring to your life.

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